Publications [n = 32; FT-50/UTD-24, or ABDC-A/A* = 27]

FT-50 = Top 50 Journals used in Financial Times Research Rankings

UTD-24 = Top 24 journals for UT Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings

ABDC-A/A* = Classified as A/A* in the ABDC Journal Quality List

Submitted/Completed Working Papers

  • Dynamic Pricing and Product Up-Gradation Decisions: How Can Firms Utilize Online Reviews?, with Yiwen Bian, Xin Yan, and Xu Guan.

  • Strategic Role of Upstream Bundling: Agency or Wholesale Contract?, with Yuanzhao Tang, Qingning Cao, Xiang Ji, and Xianjun Geng.

  • Bundling Conspicuous Goods in a Distribution Channel, with Mingjun Li and Xiang Ji.

  • Voice or Text? The Role of Physician Media Choice on Patient Experience in Online Medical Communities, with Anfei Xia, Jian-Jun Wang, and Muhammad U. Ahmed.

  • Sustainable Healthcare Supply Chains with Telemedicine: Price and Service Rate Decisions, with Xinmou Zhang, Jian-Jun Wang, and Tao Cai.

  • Approximating Non-Convex Production Possibility Set: An FDH-RBF Approach to Land-Use Efficiency Evaluation, with Malin Song, Sachin Kumar Mangla, Ali Emrouznejad, and Jianlin Wang.

  • How Can Physicians of Online Healthcare Platforms Improve Their Social Returns? An AI-Driven Empirical Investigation, with Anfei Xia, Jian-Jun Wang, and Jiayi Leng.

  • How Do Intelligent Supply Chains Alleviate the Bullwhip Effect? An Analytical Framework and Empirical Evidence, with Xiongfeng Pan, Jiahong Yuan, Sachin Kumar Mangla, and Malin Song.

  • Improving Algorithmic Fairness Through Centralized and Decentralized Audit Strategies, with Chunguang April Bai and Yaru Shang.

  • How Does Digital Technology Reshape the Boundaries of Intercity Innovation Collaboration? Evidence from China, with Shufen Guo, Ludi Wen, and Yanrui Wu.

  • Can Fintech Development Contribute to Mitigating the Greenhouse Effect? A Global Perspective, with Minghao Li, Muhammad U. Ahmed, and Yong Wang.

Selected Work in Progress

  • Data-Driven Condition-Based Maintenance for Perpetual Systems, with Varun Gupta, Hongwei Long, and Amir Alwan.

  • Retail Competition using Drones, with Xuying Zhao, Milind Dawande, and Vijay Mookerjee.

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